Learning another Language



Want to learn Spanish?

The Practical Spanish Guide was created for English speakers interested in learning Spanish. It contains useful phrases for every day conversations. This guide was created by staff that have learned other languages and know how critical it is to be able to get your point across in a few key phrases and words. Practical Spanish is the guide we wished we had years ago. It is helpful for classroom teachers, educational programs, staff who work in public offices that work with Spanish speakers, and for anyone else interested in learning Spanish.



Access all Practical Spanish Audio



A comprehensive phrase guide for students learning English!


Do you work with Spanish speaking students who struggle to learn English? This inexpensive guide helps English learners gain confidence in basic communication skills. It is a go-to guide for beginning English phrases. Language learning is very daunting for most learners. This guide is designed to help students learn how to speak and read in English. Many learners complain that what they hear in English looks different to how it is written. This guide includes a helpful pronunciation guide for Spanish speakers learning English.

Ingles En Minutos


This series was created to help Spanish speakers learn English. There are five books in the series. These quality materials are in-expensive, highly effective, and very user friendly. They are based on complete conversations of survival English. They contain the phrase in Spanish, English and the phonetics for Spanish speakers to pronounce the phrases correctly. Each book has an accompanying audio CD.

Click on the links below to view all of the books.

Book 1

Book 2

Book 3

Book 4

Book 5

All Audio


Do you work with students who are Somali speakers learning English?




We have a very helpful resources for Somali speakers. We offer an inexpensive guide helps Somali students learn beginning words and phrases in English. It is simple and straight forward to use. It includes lots of pictures and easy to use text. Includes most basic beginning phrases to begin communicating.