Soil & Souls: Community Gardens

Ever feel like you live in your classroom? What if your classroom was a living one?  It’s time for not only problem based learning, but reality based learning we can really dig into!
Garden-based education is an open air lab that allows us to teach history, applied science and applied math and so many other subjects in the real world. One students can touch, smell, and even taste!
We have experience building and designing productive spaces- taking fallow land (even old construction lots) and making them beautiful and fertile using permaculture methods. We can help you transform empty spaces into edible and native habitat gardens to provide living laboratories where plants and children can grow.

Our gardens are also wonderful assets to the community and provide a place for creative play, social gathering, community service,  and inter-generational interaction and learning. Garden based lessons have been shown to improve performance in math, science, writing, social studies, and overall attitudes toward learning.

What we’ve done and you can do!

  • Helping kids experience the fun of growing and designing their gardens
  • Culinary Camps where kids get a taste for healthy cooking!
  • Exploring sustainability, biospheres, life cycles, and so much more
  • Problem based, STEM, arts, and standards-based learning of all subjects through gardening
  • Learning that/which plants work together for mutual benefit
  • Testing and incorporating natural pest control methods
  • Discover that not all bugs are ‘bad’!
  • Watching food scraps transform into rich soil through natural & easy composting methods (and discovering the magic of decomposition)
  • Using permaculture and mimicking natural processes for fertilization, and soil enrichment methods
  • Discovering the fun and delightful ‘ick!’ of vermiculture
  • Hands on gardening, composting, vermiculture, and permaculture professional developments & trainings at Grass Roots farm for educators
  • Lesson units specifically for little green thumbs to use in afterschool or STEM related instruction!
  • So much more!



Here are a few Garden lessons. Contact us if you are interested in more!


Cold Water Crops


Do the Rot Thing!


Eatting Like a Bird

