


*We’ve taken what we learned from a year full of Building Stories, expanded it, refined it, and added a fun monster-licious twist! Come explore, there’s so much more than ever before!
Are you a monster, or of a monstrous persuasion? It’s time for students to start a tale as old as slime and create their own 3D ‘pulp fiction’! We’ll be crafting perfectly monstrous characters and fantastic beasts and then crafting tales with 3D settings and flippable ‘story boards’ that will monsta keep ‘bored’ far from these stories! 

View the standards alignment for this unit/ Complete Unit Files

Lesson One
Ghouls and guys, are you ready? Well, please keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times, both eyes on the screen, and your 3D glasses firmly in place! The adventure is about to begin! First of all, we begin with our quest with a question. What is 3D? We get experimental and see if we can spy how our two eyes work as one and have a whole lot of fun making our own drawings pop, pop, POP off the page!

Lesson Two
It’s alive! It’s alive! Okay, maybe not, unless you’re Dr. Frankenstein! But story characters often come alive in our minds when we read about them on the page or hear a story told! And when they’re our very own creations? Well, amazing things can happen! Students turn your class into their own fun laboratory as they create an array of marvelous monsters and creepy creatures to populate their tales. (Don’t get too worried if you hear lots of giggles and perhaps a few eerie wails!)monster

monstersLesson Three
Characters are the central element in any kind of storytelling. We may have built them, but what if, like Dr. Frankenstein, you want to breathe life into your creation! How do we do it? Well, we won’t use lightning bolts like the master monster maker, but instead breathe life into our characters through description. We’ll get into character(s) and hit the (dark and stormy?) streets as reporters for The Slime Times and get the latest scoop! Profiling has never been such fun!


Lesson Four
Uh oh! We’re in a bit of a sticky situation! Grab the Mod Podge, grab the glue, grab the paint and paper too! We’ve got some setting up to do! Old school vibe or modern magic? Happy tale or something tragic?  It’s time for students to set the stage that will make readers turn the page!

Lesson Five

Does inspiration strike like lightning? Do your students (or you) find ‘being creative’ frightening?  Is there a case of imaginitis as soon as a blank sheet of paper is beside us? Let’s explore how creativity really works, learn a bit from those people at Pixar, discover how to roll over the dreaded writer’s block, and how to write stories that rock!



Lesson Six
Boring or ROARING? Well, definitely not the first when you know how to choose the best words, not the worst! Writing goes from ordinary to extraordinary and students get the perfect balance of giggles and shivers as we explore fun words like ooze, rumble, and quivers. Find out what happens when you pen monsters in with vivid descriptors and what kinds of games you can win.



Lessons- SeveN, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve

Don’t worry that’s not the end…come back soon and see what’s in store. We’re going to add more monster lessons galore!